Love and Leaves

Last weekend my lovely mother sent me a Halloween care package full of candy and cute stuff but my favorite part? The bag of Colorado fall leaves. She knows that fall is my favorite time of year and considering that I have been here in Arizona for the past 3 falls, I get a little down when I am not able to see all the gorgeous colors or step on the crunchy leaves. She sent me a big bag full of gold and purple maples that I didn't want to get rid of but I couldn't think of something cute to do with them. The I got this great idea to put them in my candle lantern where I keep my old roses. I filled it full of the leaves to make my room feel a little bit more like fall and they can stay in there without being damaged. If anyone has one of these lanterns in their house for decoration, give it a try! It gives of a sweet, fall feeling.


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