A little bit country

My mom and stepdad finally moved into their dream house over the holidays and let me tell you, they have been waiting 10 years for this! Living out on 11 acres, they have been saving up and planning on how their family home would look some day. Country themed with a little bit of modernity. I was fortunate enough to be able to be there over the break while they were moving in and got to help get things organized and set up. One thing I worked hard on was my mom's closet. She has a beautiful cedar, walk in closet with a built in vanity my stepdad made for her. I found on one of the shelves 4 old, rusty rake heads and wondered what she was planning to do with those... if any of you know us well at all, you know our style is nothing alike. However, when she sent me the picture the other day of what she had ended up doing with them, I was shocked! It was a cute, unique idea that matches their country home theme to a Tee. Antique stores, around the yard or even Home Depot, you can find these and look how well it keeps everything organized! 


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