Dear 2014,

Not that this last year wasn't amazing or anything, but I can only pray that this year is even better. The other night when I was laying in bed I had all these ideas running through my head of what I want this upcoming year to bring me and since lists are the only way I get things accomplished, I wrote myself out a list of what I want to gain or accomplish in 2014. You all should try this. It really helps me achieve these things and I'm sure it could do the same for you. So here it goes:

-Stick with yoga
-Keep working out everyday
-Continue finding myself in life
-Gain self-confidence
-Achieve my ideal body image
-Fall in love with someone I consider my best friend
-Save money
-Re-invent my style
-Take more risks
-Find the perfect apartment
-Get all A's
-Experience the highest form of bliss
-Eat foods that are not fried or all sugar

Wishing everyone the best New Years yet!


  1. oh savanna.....great list!!! hope you accomplish everything on it. as for me, it is the year for Diana to take care of Diana!!!! sounds selfish, but I feel like everything that I do is for others and never for I want to do my nails at least twice this year, get my hair highlighted and get healthy!!!! love you!


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